“Why forgiveness is Worth it”

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 17, 2023

Matthew 18:21-35


Children’s Message:

Who knows what forgiveness is? Do you think it’s easy or hard to do? Jesus talked about forgiveness today (distracted by string on shirt…begin pulling). When Peter asked how often we should forgive…Jesus said…what did Jesus say?


(keep pulling string) This dumb string. What do you think will happen if I keep pulling it? My whole shirt might come unraveled! Maybe this string is like our anger when someone hurts us. The more we pull at it, the more damage we do to ourselves.


How do I stop? Cut it? Maybe I can find some scissors somewhere. Cutting the string is sort of like forgiveness. I decide I don’t want to be connected to the anger anymore. Because my anger and hurt is doing more harm to me than to anyone else. It doesn’t mean that I forget the string didn’t come loose—that someone didn’t do something bad. But I have decided to stay connected to it.


I might have to do some repairs when I get home, maybe do a little sewing. I might need to get some help with that. But this wayward string is no longer connected to me or my anger. That part is over.


Let’s pray. Dear God, sometimes it’s hard to forgive when someone hurts us. Give us the faith and strength to do it anyway. Amen.



Sarah Montana: Why Forgiveness is Worth It

Pastor Tobi Whiite

Pastor Tobi White was called to OSLC in August, 2009 as Associate Pastor and now serves as Senior Pastor since May, 2012. She completed her MDiv from Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA in May, 2009 and has an undergraduate degree from Wartburg College in Waverly, IA. Tobi is passionate about what the future holds for the Church and for OSLC. She enjoys preaching and leading worsh ip and finds teaching Catechism to OSLC youth exciting and fulfilling. These days, you will probably find Pastor Tobi at an ice rink cheering on her husband and/or her son at hockey games.


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