Weekly Announcements

Faith Formation

  • Education Hour, Sundays, 10:15am

    January 19—Financial Literacy (FC) / Where the Bible Came From (CR)

    January 26—Financial Literacy (FC) / Where the Bible Came From (CR)

    February 2—Faith-to-Face Team (S) / Where the Bible Came From (CR)

    February 9—Vision Rally (S)

    February 16—Quarterly Congregational Meeting (S)

  • Financial Literacy Class

    Learn about how your relationship to money shapes you and your finances. Then, learn how to manage your finances and create healthy relationships with money and security. Taught by Ray Nierman. Education Hour on Sundays, January 19 & 26, 10:15a.m.

  • Where the Bible Came From

    It’s not just a book; it’s a library, filled with poems, legends, history, and more. But who wrote it? Who decided what to keep and what to leave out? And why are there so many versions of the Bible? Learn more during education hour, Sundays, January 12 - February 2, 10:15a.m

  • Anchor Your Heart

    Join us on Sunday, Feb. 2 at 1pm for a world-wide public service event and Soul Injury Webinar. Contact Alissa for more info.

  • Sunday School Opportunity

    Interested in leading a Sunday school lesson, but don’t want to make a long term commitment? Now you can sign up to lead one or more lessons on a date that works for you. Each lesson plan and all materials are supplied. Helpers are there to assist.  Talk to Karrie Lickliter or Jody Olsen.

  • Tuesday Bible Study

    We will be  studying the book of Acts on Tuesdays at 1pm in the Founder’s Room with a zoom option. The group is on hold and will begin again on Tuesday, November 26th.

  • Mary/Martha Group

    This book club meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm at OSLC. The group begins a new title in January: “Boundless Compassion” by Joyce Rupp.

  • Women's Circles

    · Martha Circle meets 2nd Tuesdays, 9:30am at OSLC, sharing treats and breakfast items and discussing study published in the monthly Women of the ELCA magazine.

    · Esther Circle meets 2nd Wednesdays, 9:30am at various locations (homes/restaurants). The hostess decides the topic and readings.

  • Women of Grace Study Group

    This book study group meets 4th Thursdays, 7pm at OSLC. They are currently reading “31 Proverbs to Light Your Path,” by Liz Curtis Higgs.

  • Men's Thursday Morning Group

    This group meets weekly on Thursday mornings at 7am at OSLC. Each week, a participant provides breakfast as the group discusses a book. They are currently reading “The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How WE Can Do It Again,” by Robert D. Putnam.

  • Chat & Tie

    You don’t have to sew or quilt to be a part of this group. Some women create quilt tops, but the group gathers the 3rd & 4th Wednesdays from 9am-noon to tie the quilts, share conversation, and have a breakfast treat with coffee.

Items of Note

  • Justice in Action Jail Vigil

    Join Justice in Action at the County Jail (3801 W. O St.) Jan. 19, 6:00 - 6:30pm. The purpose is to draw attention to those awaiting trial for non-violence offenses who may be better served by diversion programs. The vigil will include some singing, speakers, and prayers. You can bring your own candle or use one provided when you arrive. (Alternative date: Jan. 26 if roads unsafe.)

  • FaithAllyance

    FaithAllyance  We are a group of faith communities in Lincoln who believe that everyone should have a safe place to explore and nurture their spirituality. The upcoming opportunities are available to those in the LGBTQ community:

    · Jan. 19—Listening session from 3-5pm at Neighbors Church, 575 Fallbrook Blvd., #102. We want to hear what you need, what you want, and what would be most helpful from FaithAllyance.

    · Jan. 20—Inauguration Day support, from 6:30-8:00 at OutNebraska in the Foundry Building, 211 N. 14th St. If this day is creating heavy feelings for you, come by for a time of healing, prayer, conversation, or just down time in a safe space.

  • NAMI Family Support

    National Alliance on Mental Illness, Lincoln chapter, will begin hosting a family support group on 2nd Mondays, 5:30-7:00pm at OSLC in the Basement Activities Center (enter using south doors). For more information, contact  Teresa Harms Coder.

  • Rejoicing Spirits Worship Team

    Sam is gathering people interested in helping start a worship service designed to welcome folks with developmental disabilities. Please contact Sam with questions

  • Altar Guild Help Needed

    The Altar Guild is in desperate need of folks (individuals or families) to help prepare communion in December and June. The teams work together so that no one has to cover all weekend responsibilities. This is a great way to help out behind the scenes and to get to know others in the community. If you can help, please contact Pastor Tobi or Janet Leick.

  • Monthly-ish OSLC Activities

    In an effort to continue building community beyond weekly worship, we are planning a variety of monthly activities. If you have an idea and can help organize it, please contact Sam Eschliman at wma.oslc@gmail.com

    January: Explore all sorts of board games on Sunday, January 26, 3-5pm at Mana Games Café, 701 P St. (Creamery Building Downtown). Folks wanting to carpool from the church can meet at OSLC at 2:30.

  • Equal Exchange

    We are restocking our five chocolate bar flavors and adding dairy free Coconut Milk Chocolate bars.  We will also have two options for hot cocoa:  Spicy Hot Chocolate and dairy free Dark Hot Chocolate.  The next sale date is Sunday, January 5.

  • Bridges to Hope Needs

    Hygiene products: deodorant and single use razors for men and women, shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, body wash, toothbrushes, floss and paste, mouth wash (alcohol free), combs, brushes, laundry soap, men’s underwear (boxer briefs only, larger sizes), small kitchen appliances: toasters, coffee pots and kitchen utensils. Items can be left in the bin in the hallway or taken directly to Bridges to Hope.

  • Lutheran Food Pantry Needs

    The following items are in short supply at this time; however, any other non-perishable food items and personal care items are always needed and appreciated.

    Canned fruits and vegetables

    Canned meals (SpaghettiOs, Ravioli, Chili w/meat, etc.)

    Dry dinners (Hamburger and Tuna Helper)

    Macaroni & cheese

    Pasta sauce

    Peanut butter


    Soups-all types

Share Your Time

  • FEAST Prison Ministry Volunteer

    Become a FEAST prison ministry sponsor or volunteer! This could include driving Feast partners to church and back once a month, simply sharing in a meal, leading a class, or even sitting together during worship. Full sponsor training available online. For more info, click below.

  • Become a Sunday School Volunteer

    If your passion is kids and faith, this is the place for you! You don’t need to know theology or Scripture. You just need to be willing to learn and show patience with your students. To find out more, contact Karrie below.