
what is your calling?

Read: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

These are a list of spiritual gifts and vocations that many Christians are called to. Which ones seem pretty familiar? Which ones seem a little ‘out there’?


But, is that it? Are those the only things God can call us to do as Christians? And what does ‘vocation’ mean, anyway?


Watch: Vocation 101: What is Vocation?


How would YOU define vocation?


It’s more than what you do as a job or who you are as a person. So, what might vocation might God have designed you for? What are you uniquely made to do to serve this world and those around you?


Go to: Spiritual Gifts Inventory



(Number a piece of paper from 1-45. Then answer each item on the inventory with your response—what you know is true about you. Transfer those answers to the corresponding body part from the results page to discover where your gifts tend to excel.)


What are your top 2 areas? What are your bottom 2 areas?


How can you imagine using your gifts to serve the world?


Two Kingdoms