Justice Journey
The first Mondays of the month, 7pm on Zoom and Facebook Live, we hear the unique story of our presenter. Each month, our presentation takes us into different aspects of the justice system from the perspective of one story. On the third Mondays at 7pm, we come back together on zoom (different link) with the opportunity to consider our response. How do we want to be different?
Zoom for 1st Mondays: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83109049238?pwd=Yk1BLzhzVkdhSGlLcmdTTVFkczVrdz09
Meeting ID: 831 0904 9238
Passcode: 688223
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/453583592304889
April 12 (moved from the 5th due to Easter): Christine Halfmoon speaks about shifting the focus of incarceration from punitive to rehabilitative.
May 2: Alberto Vasquez speaks about institutionalization and the challenge of re-entry.
Questions? Contact Alissa at outreach.oslc@gmail.com or at 402 483 4126.
FEAST Ministry
Since 2005, Our Saviour’s has welcomed people housed at the Community Correctional Center-Lincoln to worship. We transport our friends to worship with us, enjoy lunch together, and engage in study and personal development. The people change, but the message stays the same: God loves and accepts you NOW.
Spiritual Development
Led by our Director of Outreach and Spiritual Director, Alissa Gunning, several opportunities for spiritual development are offered throughout the year. These range from learning how to Breathe to Discerning the Spirit and studies on recognizing the voice of God in our lives. To know more about current classes, go to Announcements.